Friday, 13 June 2008


Dotfuscator makes compiled .Net applications much harder to reverse compile.
For example, applications such as Reflector.exe, download here, make it possible to browse through the namespaces and classes in a compile .net application.
There is a cut down version of Dotfuscator included with Visual Studio.
However, on trying this with one of our executables it did not manage to output an application but threw up various errors. After Googling I found others that had the same problem had updated to the latest version.

I finally got Dotfuscator to work without a problem after doing the following:
1) Start Dotfuscator from All Programs\Visual Studio 2005\Visual Studio Tools\Dotfuscator and then following the options to Register
2) On registering I was emailed a user name and password that enabled me to log on to Dotfuscator's web site and download the latest community edition of Dotfuscator.
3) I installed this, then started Visual Studio with my project.
4) From the visual studio "Tools" menu I started Dotfuscator.
5) On the build tab I sent the temp and output directories, then clicked the build button. That was all there was to it. The resulting executable was slightly smaller that the original. On running it started throwing up error messages as I navigated around the app. On the rename tab there is an exclude option. By specifying certain parts of the application here, the error messages stopped.

So - careful and thorough testing would be required before releasing code.

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