Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Word Normal.dot template corruption

When automating MS Word, one of the problems that can be encountered is corruption of the normal.dot template. When this happens, the template can be deleted, because it will automatically be recreated with default settings. It would have been nice after all these years, and thousands of features that have been added into Word, if they had a built in feature to do this.

The manually process is not entirely straight-forward, because the normal.dot template can exist in many places.

Here are the basic steps to delete it.
  1. Close all word documents. Run task manager, and check applications and processes to make sure there are no instances of winword.exe running. 
  2. Close Outlook too.
  3. Click on the Start option, click Search, then Files or Folders.
  4. In the Name box, type the name of the global template for your version of Word. For Office 2007/2010 this will be normal.dotx or normal.dotm. For older versions of Office, this will be Normal.dot
  5. In the Look In box, select your local hard drive
  6. Click Search to locate the file.
  7. For each occurrence of global template that appears in the Find dialog box, click the right mouse button on the file and then click Rename. Add a new file name, such as OldNormal.dot or Normal-1.dot.
  8. Retest the application that is creating the Word document.

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Completed Course on Lynda.com

Today I completed the Introduction to SharePoint 2010 course on Lynda.com.
I found the course to be very helpful, very well presented.
It suffered from none of the hesitant mumbling that in my experience often mark on-line software course, but was fluent, enthusiastic and informative.

I learnt a lot in a a few hours, and I can see that SharePoint is a powerful product with a lot of potential, and should make conventional web designers very nervous.

Am very interested in what a developer can add to SharePoint. It works with Visual Studio and SQL Server, so their are many development options with it. 

Monday, 6 June 2011

Introduction to SharePoint 2010

Introduction to Sharepoint 2010

Sharepoint can be hard to grasp as a concept, because it does not do one thing. Exchange handles emails, calendars, SQL Server is a database server, IIS is an internet server, but we cannot apply such a simple description to Sharepoint.

Sharepoint is not an application, but it is a platform, which is capable of hosting a variety of integrated solutions.

Sharepoint started life as Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server in 2001

These days several products may carry the Sharepoint label.
The server products are
  1. SharePoint 2010 Foundation
  2. Sharepoint Server 2010 - Standard
  3. Sharepoint Server 2010 - Enterprise
Each of these server products includes all the functionality of the version below it.

SharePoint Sites

SharePoint enables the creation of websites.
These are all based on a standard pattern, and all share certain features in common. ALL SharePoint sites are built on collections of lists and libraries.

So even a brandnew  blank websites have certain features as standard, such as "Like" buttons.
One big difference in Sharepoint 2010 from previsous versions, and from WebSites generally is the ribbon. Similar to the Ribbon in office, this allows you to edit SharePoint sites.

The Ribbon is access by clicking on Edit on a SharePoint page.

If you have permissions to edit a site, the Site Actions menu is very important. This will allow you to make modifications to the Sharepoint site.

The elements of Sharepoint are available individually available elsewhere, such as shared calendars and todist list, colaboration on documents - such as Google Documents.

It is the ability to combine them all together, without needing developer experience, which makes it very powerful. Add together SharePoint in the cloud, and it looks a very useful business tool.